Hey Hey,
How’s everyone doing? I am doing well. I have many things to catch up on, as usual, my laziness is going to result in a monster catch-up post. As those of you who have been following my blog know, I was away for permaculture training for two weeks. I have since been back for a week, but I will start with my adventure away.
I was staying at a granny’s house located in Lawley, a township located just outside of Johannesburg. I had a roommate in my very small room, and there were also 3 fellows who were in the training who stayed out in a very luxurious garage. It kind of felt like college again going to class and going home with the same people. So where do I start…
The roommate. She was a very nice person, who was the same age as me, she was also married with a daughter. In fact, everyone I was living with was either my age or a couple years older and all of them were married with children, one was engaged. One thing I became appreciative of American culture within the first day was the expectations of quiet and dark while someone is trying to sleep at night. Unfortunately my roommate did not share these same sentiments. First she wanted to sleep with the light on all night because she said she didn’t like the dark. This was a problem because I don’t know if I can actually sleep with a light on. I told her I didn’t think that would work for me, also trying to tell her that we should try and save electricity because the granny we were staying with paid for her own electricity. Luckily, she said it was ok. Next, she would always have her phone radio on. The sound quality was terrible and often really staticy. She said she needed this to sleep. I asked if she could put headphones on. The problem was that she needed to have the phone fairly far away from her, and therefore fairly loud, to get decent reception. Headphones didn’t really work. The first week this was a problem. She would eventually turn it off when her battery was running low. Some miracle happened the second week I was there and the reception got better, which meant she was within headphone range. Next, she never had phone credit. Unfortunately for me (and many other roommates across South Africa), the phone service used by most people offers free calling between midnight and 5 am. This is when all of her calling would happen. It would last between 5 and 20 minutes each night, 1-3 times a night. I tried asking her to go outside of the room to talk, she didn’t get why she would ever do this and just said she would whisper. That didn’t really do any good because our beds were about a foot apart and my hearing was super acute because I was waking up each time she started talking. This problem was never resolved. The final thing was her morning bath. I never actually figured out why she insisted on taking a bucket bath in our room rather than doing it in the bathroom, but this is the decision she made. Each morning, at 6 am, she would be up and scrubbing down for 30 minutes in a big bucket, even though our class didn’t start until 8, and she would be ready at least an hour early each day, she just insisted on bathing at 6. This was another problem that was only resolved by me getting up at 6 everyday too. Basically, sleep was a little hard to come by for that 2 weeks. I tried napping, but she was in the room every second after school each day, making just as much noise. She would take random naps, often when she knew that I was on a walk. Cultural differences killed my sleep schedule. I know she was not even aware of what the problems were, which is why it was often so difficult to find a solution. All it resulted in was being that much happier to be back home with two Americans who sleep quietly, in the dark, each night. Good experience, but I am glad it was just a temporary setup.
The permaculture class itself was pretty good. I didn’t understand about 95% of it because it was in Setho, but I think I still got all of the information. Most of the concepts I had heard before, and the headings for each subject were in English, so I at least knew the topic they were discussing. If I needed something clarified, the teachers would translate for me. In general, it was just taking terms, concepts, and skills that I mostly knew already and organizing them in the permaculture way. It is really a pretty cool farming method. It is quite sustainable if done correctly. We learned about all of the material in class, then we would go out to their garden and practice/see what we learned.
Food was another interesting obstacle during the 2 weeks. They have a food here called pap (pronounced “pop”). I have had this food before in Tanzania and it is basically maize flour that is made into a solid porridge-like substance (some of you may know this as ugali). I knew how my stomach deals with this food, which is not well. Unfortunately this was the main course of choice by the chefs in the area, either pap or white rice, which are basically the same thing: condensed simple carbs. People can also eat this stuff in ENORMOUS quantities. It is really quite impressive. The bad part is that I cannot even come close to eating that much, and because it is just simple carbs, I am hungry in about 2 hours again. Others say that pap will keep you full all day, which doesn’t actually make a lot of sense, but then when I saw how much of this stuff they could eat, I understood how they stayed full for so long. Also, for breakfast the granny really liked serving sour porridge (the name explains it all, if you can imagine what that might taste like). I can eat just about anything once, but she served it 3 days in a row. The only way I could get it down was to douse it with sugar. Of course this made me feel like crap all day. After about day 4, my stomach had had enough. It was sugar overload and I was feeling the consequences. I had to go to the store to get food to supplement my diet. First thing on the list was fruit, something I hadn’t seen the entire week. I just started taking significantly less of everything that was cooked for me and just filled in the space with bananas and pears. A nutritionist came in the last day we were there. He had all kinds of yummy things for us. He had a constant supply of nuts, raisins, tea, and cooked two entrees for us in class. I was the only one who truly liked either of the dishes, which was unfortunate because the point was to move people more in the direction of eating healthy. The nutritionist’s secret goal is the rid South Africa of pap because it is causing a lot of health problems, especially diabetes. I think it is a really good goal, but it is also basically impossible because people love it so much and it is so cheap. The best weapon he had was telling people that maize was not native to Africa, and people really didn’t like one of their staple foods being from somewhere else. They probably got over that little fact in about a day, though, so I don’t know how to fix this problem, but nutrition here is really unhealthy and does need some fixing.
One more funny thing that happened on the trip was that on the first day about 3 little boys were standing against a fence looking very suspicious. Three other people and I were walking past them. They quickly put their hands behind their back. I looked back after we passed to see what they were hiding and they totally had condoms filled with water that they were using as water balloons against unsuspecting passersbys! It was super funny, good thing they didn’t through them at us, though.
Now I am back in Kroonstad. Last week was pretty uneventful, mostly just catching up on various office tasks. This week my garden-partner, Frans, and I started making our garden. We had 2 picks, 2 square shovels, and a hoe. The first time I hit the ground with a pick it stopped dead in its tracks because the ground is basically a rock right now. That was a little discouraging. Lucky for me Frans is amazing at digging. I made some calculations and he is 6-8 times better at our work than me. I feel bad that I can’t really hold up my end of the work, but he doesn’t seem to mind so much. Katie and Sarah helped dig a little bit each day. I was not at all in shape to work as much as I did. The first night I got home and could not actually move, my muscles were so sore. The second day was not much better. I started moving again Wednesday, although not much. I tried to finish this blog post on Tuesday and Wednesday, but I could not move my fingers individually well enough and hitting the spacebar was just altogether not going to happen. I am pleased to report that my fingers are moving again. My back is still killing me and I feel like I am about 110, but I am getting younger each passing day. We finished digging yesterday, today and tomorrow are about making the garden look like a garden. This involves reinforcing the edges with brick, mixing the clay soil with a tiny amount of top soil (I greatly underestimated how much top soil was needed to supplement our soil…oops), and adding much on top of that. It may not be able to support plant life, but it really does look good. We are going to add water tomorrow. I am just hoping that our whole garden doesn’t just melt when we do this, which is definitely possible. I will put up pictures soon.
Ok, I think that pretty well covers the highlights from the past month. We are hesitantly planning a trip to Lesotho for sometime in the next couple of weeks. It seems silly to live in South Africa for a year and not go to Lesotho, it is right there. Our permaculture students start on Monday. There are 24 of them, that is a lot, compared to my usual 9. Frans will be a big help, I am glad I am not teaching this class alone, that would be pretty difficult, if not altogether impossible. The class will be 2 weeks long, everyday for 4 hours. It is a good schedule and the class is really diverse, as far as age and gender are concerned. I’m excited, it should be fun. Well that is all from my end.
More later,
Friday, October 1, 2010
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
The Month of August
For some reason I am having trouble thinking of what I have been doing for the past month right now. This may mean that I should maybe not be blogging right now, but I feel like this needs to get done or I am never going to do it.
I guess mostly what has been happening in the past month has been work, so I will start with that. I think my class is the greatest. My students are so fun. They really get excited about computers, I can't even really get them to take lunch break or our other shorter break. This causes a little problem because I only make enough work for the scheduled amount of time each day, that way the couple of students who do want a break will not fall behind. We finished with Word last week; this week we are doing the internet and PowerPoint. Next week, I am going to give them a crash course on Excel...we will see how that goes. That program confuses me sometimes, I don't know how easy it is going to be to learn even the basics of the program. In any case, we will do our best.
I have been chasing the movie Inception all around South Africa. Several people have recommended it to me, it got super good reviews, and I love Leo, so this made my list of priorities about a month ago. I waited 2 weeks after it came out in America, then went to Johannesburg to try and see it. Not there yet. It will be there in a week. Luckily that was not the only reason I went to Johannesburg. Then I waited another 3 weeks and went to Welkom this past weekend to try and see it. Not there. It will be coming in 2 weeks. Unfortunately that was the only reason I went to Welkom, so I just came straight home after that trip. What a bust. You may be wondering why I did not do more research before taking these trips. Well, Johannesburg, I was going no matter what, so it was just going to be a nice bonus. And Welkom, there is no place anywhere that has the phone number for the movie theatre online. I at least got that out of my trip there, although I think I may have lost it.
It is finally getting a little warmer here. It still has not rained. They do a lot of intentional burning during this season to try and prevent any big fires taking over because of all the dry grass. This has made things look pretty nasty in a lot of place because now the ground is just black. The air always smelt like smoke. That finally stopped about a week ago. I just hope it rains soon, everything looks so dead. At night it still looks really nice though:
The school that Katie and Sarah work at got evaluated in the past couple of weeks. Putting it nicely, the school did very poorly. I think the overall rating was a 66%. It is strange because the school has a reputation in the community for being pretty good relative to the other schools. Katie and Sarah both say the education in less than stellar; this just makes me wonder how bad the other schools could be. Katie and Sarah were talking to me about it one day and said that teachers commonly ask them to type up exams for them because they don't know how to use a computer. They said it would be really good if I could teach them computers, since that is my South African specialty. I told my boss about it earlier today (she was one of the evaluators for the school) what Katie and Sarah said to me. Her jaw slowly dropped wider and wider during this conversation. In the end she said, "Those teachers don't know how to use Word?" I said yes, and it seemed to be a bit of a problem. Her response then was, "That is not a problem, that is horrible." So, based on that conversation, I think I might start teaching a computer class to the teachers at that school before I leave. I am not really sure how they got hired without that skill, but it is a little thing we can do to help make the educators more qualified to help improve the quality of education at the school. I will probably know more about that project in the near future.
Well, I think that is about all from me for now. If I think of anything else that is interesting from the past 2 weeks, I will do another post. I don't know what is wrong with my brain right now. Or maybe this has just been a tame month. Either way, this is all for now.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
World Cup and Birthday...aka, what a month!
Man, I have a lot of stuff to update on here. I was going to post information last weekend, then the power went out for 2 days, so that wasn't going to happen. Some thieves decided taking an ax to the power lines and taking the cable was a good idea. Well, actually, the more I thought about it, the more I decided it was the perfect crime, minus the risk of getting electricuted. They cut the wires, then everyone goes crazy and isn't paying attention to them. At the same time everything goes dark, so no one can see them. The land phones and tvs don't work so it is difficult to communicate about them. The list goes on, but it really is a pretty clever thing to steal if you are into that business.
Anyways, I will start with the World Cup adventure. It was pretty awesome, as you can probably imagine. We took an overnight bus to and from Port Elizabeth, which is about a 12 hour ride. I only remember a couple of hours of the trip because I was dead asleep. We got there and went to our B&B. It turned out to just be this nice family that runs a B&B for extra money and because they like meeting tourists. They were super nice and helped us find all the answers we needed about everything. Our first order of business after dropping off our things was to get food. We walked to a nearby cafe that was attached to an aquarium. No joke, the entire Uruguay team was there looking at fish!!! There was security all around, and we asked if we were still allowed to go in to get food and they said yes. That sealed the deal for sure. While we were waiting for our food, the entire team walked past us. We tried talking to them, but they mostly just ignored us. Then Sarah chased them down and got her picture taken with a couple of them. I was already cheering for them, Katie was for Germany, and after that incident, Sarah swung my direction.
We spent the next day or so doing various activities such as swimming (wicked cold, but super cool waves), eating sushi, and generally walking around. On the day of the game, I drug Sarah and Katie to the new Twilight movie with me. We went in and everything was normal outside, then when we came out, the entire town had transformed into a World Cup monster! Everyone had flags, face paint, vuvuzelas, etc. We ran home, got changed, got on a shuttle, and were off to the game. Most of the audience was for Germany (boo). We got some yummy dinner for just $2 outside of the stadium. While we were waiting in line, some people tried to steal things from Katie's pocket. It was a pair of men. One came up to her and started begging for food, the other used the distraction to unzip her pocket and try to get her things (which included her wallet and passport). They must have been watching her for awhile. I was luckily standing behind her and saw the thief. I grabbed his hand and yelled "What are you doing?!" He tried to tell me that he had just dropped something. I told him I wasn't stupid and told him to get away from us, perhaps using a little harsher language than I am reporting here. After that, we went in. It was super cool inside. The design was really nice. And even though we had cheap seats, they were actually pretty good. We could still see everything. Certainly not worth an extra $200 for the good seats. The vuvuzelas were not that bad inside, the acoustics made the sound go away pretty well and the people around us were pretty tame. I don't know who watched the game, but it was pretty exciting to sit through. It stayed pretty even, constantly getting both sides' hopes up and then crushing them. Just what I wanted: suspense!
Getting home was quite a fiasco. The line to get back on the shuttle was forever long. We were in it for at least an hour and a half, if not longer. To try and pass time, Sarah dared Katie. The bet: Sing the U.S. national anthem as loud as you can, not telling anyone around you why you are doing it besides that you just have a lot of pride. The reward was $50, I said I would put in an additional $20. I don't think Sarah thought Katie would take the bet, I wasn't so sure. Well, Katie did it. It was super funny. Right in the middle of a bunch of German fans, Katie just starts belting out the most out of tune rendition of the national anthem. The funny thing was that there were some Americans standing pretty close behind us (we had actually run into them the night before when we were out and they were super annoying, we didn't even talk to them...alcohol, cowboy hats, big hair if that gives you any perspective on the situation). They starting singing along with Katie, except they were doing it in all seriousness, then they messed up the lyrics. Katie held her own, though, and just sang regardless of the others. It was hilarious.
So those are the highlights from the World Cup adventure. It was a fun time for sure. Now on to my birthday...
Katie and Sarah had all kinds of fun things planned for my birthday. Because my birthday fell on a Thursday, it was only natural that it should be a 2 day celebration. The first night, it was just the 3 of us. The theme for the party: neon-fabulous! Excellent start. This required the three of us to deck out in everything neon, including nail polish, bling earrings, and I even got a nice orange boa. For dinner: homemade sushi! A few ingredients were substituted, rice paper for seaweed, hot mustard for wasabe. Nonetheless, they turned out wonderfully. We packed ourselves full of those, rested for awhile, then went into town to get dessert from my favorite place.
The next night, other people came over. Just a few of our friends to hang out and play games and stuff. Our friend Rudy got me the world's coolest cake. It was a sheet cake (he deduced that that would be enough for 3 girls...), the top of it was the South African Flag and the bottom was the American flag. It was so pretty. Also came with 23 relighting candles. I ate way too much cake, then I got super thirsty and drank a big glass of milk. About 10 minutes later I was completely nausious. That is when Sarah told me the milk was rotten. This is not the first time I have drank a lot of rotton milk unknowingly. After a rough hour that ended with me losing all of the cake behind a tree, I was up and running again, ready for games. It was really fun; I was dead tired by the end of the night.
Alright, I think that pretty well wraps up the highlights of the past couple of weeks. A new computer class started this week. I just have one class now that is for a longer period of time, 9-3 each day. Today we learned how to save documents. Although this may seem like an easy thing, it is actually the most confusing thing for students to undertand. I am for real teaching now too, not just assisting a computer program. All this means is that if they do not understand, it is 100% on me. I think they will get the hang of it soon though, I am not worried. The concept of there being folders within folders and files are all over the place in those folders is just a bit difficult. They are fun though, there are 11 of them who are very serious about learning how to use a computer, which is all I care about.
Love ya,
Man, I have a lot of stuff to update on here. I was going to post information last weekend, then the power went out for 2 days, so that wasn't going to happen. Some thieves decided taking an ax to the power lines and taking the cable was a good idea. Well, actually, the more I thought about it, the more I decided it was the perfect crime, minus the risk of getting electricuted. They cut the wires, then everyone goes crazy and isn't paying attention to them. At the same time everything goes dark, so no one can see them. The land phones and tvs don't work so it is difficult to communicate about them. The list goes on, but it really is a pretty clever thing to steal if you are into that business.
Anyways, I will start with the World Cup adventure. It was pretty awesome, as you can probably imagine. We took an overnight bus to and from Port Elizabeth, which is about a 12 hour ride. I only remember a couple of hours of the trip because I was dead asleep. We got there and went to our B&B. It turned out to just be this nice family that runs a B&B for extra money and because they like meeting tourists. They were super nice and helped us find all the answers we needed about everything. Our first order of business after dropping off our things was to get food. We walked to a nearby cafe that was attached to an aquarium. No joke, the entire Uruguay team was there looking at fish!!! There was security all around, and we asked if we were still allowed to go in to get food and they said yes. That sealed the deal for sure. While we were waiting for our food, the entire team walked past us. We tried talking to them, but they mostly just ignored us. Then Sarah chased them down and got her picture taken with a couple of them. I was already cheering for them, Katie was for Germany, and after that incident, Sarah swung my direction.
We spent the next day or so doing various activities such as swimming (wicked cold, but super cool waves), eating sushi, and generally walking around. On the day of the game, I drug Sarah and Katie to the new Twilight movie with me. We went in and everything was normal outside, then when we came out, the entire town had transformed into a World Cup monster! Everyone had flags, face paint, vuvuzelas, etc. We ran home, got changed, got on a shuttle, and were off to the game. Most of the audience was for Germany (boo). We got some yummy dinner for just $2 outside of the stadium. While we were waiting in line, some people tried to steal things from Katie's pocket. It was a pair of men. One came up to her and started begging for food, the other used the distraction to unzip her pocket and try to get her things (which included her wallet and passport). They must have been watching her for awhile. I was luckily standing behind her and saw the thief. I grabbed his hand and yelled "What are you doing?!" He tried to tell me that he had just dropped something. I told him I wasn't stupid and told him to get away from us, perhaps using a little harsher language than I am reporting here. After that, we went in. It was super cool inside. The design was really nice. And even though we had cheap seats, they were actually pretty good. We could still see everything. Certainly not worth an extra $200 for the good seats. The vuvuzelas were not that bad inside, the acoustics made the sound go away pretty well and the people around us were pretty tame. I don't know who watched the game, but it was pretty exciting to sit through. It stayed pretty even, constantly getting both sides' hopes up and then crushing them. Just what I wanted: suspense!
Getting home was quite a fiasco. The line to get back on the shuttle was forever long. We were in it for at least an hour and a half, if not longer. To try and pass time, Sarah dared Katie. The bet: Sing the U.S. national anthem as loud as you can, not telling anyone around you why you are doing it besides that you just have a lot of pride. The reward was $50, I said I would put in an additional $20. I don't think Sarah thought Katie would take the bet, I wasn't so sure. Well, Katie did it. It was super funny. Right in the middle of a bunch of German fans, Katie just starts belting out the most out of tune rendition of the national anthem. The funny thing was that there were some Americans standing pretty close behind us (we had actually run into them the night before when we were out and they were super annoying, we didn't even talk to them...alcohol, cowboy hats, big hair if that gives you any perspective on the situation). They starting singing along with Katie, except they were doing it in all seriousness, then they messed up the lyrics. Katie held her own, though, and just sang regardless of the others. It was hilarious.
So those are the highlights from the World Cup adventure. It was a fun time for sure. Now on to my birthday...
Katie and Sarah had all kinds of fun things planned for my birthday. Because my birthday fell on a Thursday, it was only natural that it should be a 2 day celebration. The first night, it was just the 3 of us. The theme for the party: neon-fabulous! Excellent start. This required the three of us to deck out in everything neon, including nail polish, bling earrings, and I even got a nice orange boa. For dinner: homemade sushi! A few ingredients were substituted, rice paper for seaweed, hot mustard for wasabe. Nonetheless, they turned out wonderfully. We packed ourselves full of those, rested for awhile, then went into town to get dessert from my favorite place.
The next night, other people came over. Just a few of our friends to hang out and play games and stuff. Our friend Rudy got me the world's coolest cake. It was a sheet cake (he deduced that that would be enough for 3 girls...), the top of it was the South African Flag and the bottom was the American flag. It was so pretty. Also came with 23 relighting candles. I ate way too much cake, then I got super thirsty and drank a big glass of milk. About 10 minutes later I was completely nausious. That is when Sarah told me the milk was rotten. This is not the first time I have drank a lot of rotton milk unknowingly. After a rough hour that ended with me losing all of the cake behind a tree, I was up and running again, ready for games. It was really fun; I was dead tired by the end of the night.
Alright, I think that pretty well wraps up the highlights of the past couple of weeks. A new computer class started this week. I just have one class now that is for a longer period of time, 9-3 each day. Today we learned how to save documents. Although this may seem like an easy thing, it is actually the most confusing thing for students to undertand. I am for real teaching now too, not just assisting a computer program. All this means is that if they do not understand, it is 100% on me. I think they will get the hang of it soon though, I am not worried. The concept of there being folders within folders and files are all over the place in those folders is just a bit difficult. They are fun though, there are 11 of them who are very serious about learning how to use a computer, which is all I care about.
Love ya,
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Kids All Around

Sorry for the lapse of updates for the past few weeks. As predicted, the kids sucked all of the energy out of me and the thought of having to write a blog update just became too much, even though it doesn’t take long to do at all.
The holiday activities went pretty well. We never quite had 300 kids show up, but there were about 200, then towards the end numbers dwindled a little bit, more like 150. Our organization gradually decreased by the end too. The first couple of days we were really organized; every group had a letter and they rotated at specific times. By the end, we had a vague idea of what we were going to do that day, but we would mostly just give the kids a bunch of balls and tell them generally where to go and not to cause too much trouble. One thing I do not miss in life is being in the 9th grade. I think it might be a universal fact that all 9th grade girls are mean and have the biggest attitudes ever. Every single thing we did they were just not having it. We heard that some of the older students didn’t want to attend the program anymore and the parents started lying to them, saying that if they kept going we were going to give them KFC on the last day. Man were those kids disappointed when they got a bowl of rice and some meaty soup that day for lunch. Overall it went pretty well though.
We are off to Port Elizabeth for the soccer game this Thursday. I keep forgetting about the trip because it seems weird that the World Cup is coming to an end. Unfortunately I don’t really care about any of the teams that are still in it that much. I was really hoping that Ghana would make it. I didn’t see the game that knocked them out, but I heard the refereeing was not so great and that they should have won. I think I am just going to root for the team that has the best looking players since I don’t really have much more to go off of. I don’t know who this is at the time, I looked at the team members and honestly none of the teams were that impressive. All I can say is that Germany is definitely out of the contest. Maybe I will just wear a bunch of South African stuff and just go as a general supporter of the World Cup.
The sad part of the past couple of weeks is that I finished Harry Potter. I was hoping it would last a little longer because it was such a nice thing to sit down and read at night. Despite the series’ length, it did not last as long as I had hoped. It was really good though, I was quite pleased with the last book; I was a little worried I wouldn’t like it because those types of series are so hard to write a good ending to. I have moved on to some of the American classics that I never read in school for one reason or another. I am currently working on “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.” All this book is teaching me is that I have the reading comprehension of a 2nd grader. I have to read everything twice and I still barely know what is going on…and this book is supposed to be for children.
I am not really sure what the plan is for the week at work. I might be helping some of the sewing ladies make chair covers, but I don’t really want to help them because this is work for them that they will get paid for and I don’t want to take that away from any of them. I also am less qualified than any of them at sewing considering I am just a self-taught person who probably does most things technically incorrectly. I think we are going to run the computer class again. We are waiting for a program that is being designed elsewhere currently. I will actually be the teacher for this round of students instead of an assistant to a computer program. I am much happier about this because I often felt like I could explain things better than the program. I think we are going to do this old school with textbooks and lectures this time, then have the students do different exercises on the computer during the afternoon. So instead of having a morning and afternoon session we will just have one class who will be there all day. I know that is a long day, but several students said on their evaluations that class should have been longer. I guess when you are traveling an hour + to get to class, it makes sense to have a longer class. They will get more out of the class too because they will practice with the programs more. We shall see, it would be good to get another round of students started though because there is currently a pretty big waiting list that is only going to get longer with time.
Well that is all from my end. Happy 4th of July! I am so jealous that everyone got to see fireworks but me : ( I lit off some sparklers, but that was the extent of fireworks in my life. We had people over and made some 4th of July foods, but nothing too extravagant. It is hard to get people excited about America’s independence day here, mostly our friends were just humoring us, but I still appreciated their efforts to support us.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Hello everyone,
I hope you are all doing well. I am doing pretty good. It has become ice cold here in the past two weeks. I am in class right now and I can almost see my breath. Everyday when I get home from work I spend about 2 hours doing various things to try and get myself warm again, usually without success for more than a few minutes. I think I am going to walk into town and buy a fleece after work today, I have been putting this off for quite some time, but I don't think I can take the cold anymore.
Two weekends ago I made my way to Durban with Katie, Sarah, and our South African family, the Josephs. It was an 8 hour drive to get there, although I don't remember much of it because I was out cold. It was such nice weather there. We only had one full day there before we had to return to Kroonstad, which we of course voted to spend at the beach. The water was soooo nice. It was almost the same temperature as the air. I was so swimming deprived that I spent about 3 hours riding the waves, which were also the perfect size. At about the 2 hour mark the lifeguards came out to see if I was okay. I said yes and that I just really like swimming. They joined me for about 15 minutes, then said they were tired and went back in...not really the most reassuring feeling that I could outlast the lifeguards by a longshot. We also went to the largest mall in the southern hemisphere, Gateway. That was pretty cool to see, I don't know if it is bigger than the Mall of America, but it certainly was not as overwhelming as the Mall of America. Part of it is outside and they have waterslides instead of a theme park, which I liked but it doesn't really make a ton of sense because who wants to be wet at a mall? Well, I kind of did, but I doubt many people would share that sentiment with me. Durban was definitely cool, I am sure we will return in the future.
As many of you know, Friday night was the opening match for the World Cup. We decided to go out to the township that my students are from and that Sarah and Katie teach in to watch the game. Soccer is stereotypically the "black" sport here, and the township is all blacks, so it seemed like the most logical place to go. We went to a tavern that was showing the game. It was really fun, although I got a pretty bad headache from blowing in the vuvuzelas and having them blown at me. I know these noise makers have been quite the controversy, but in case you don't know what they are, they are long horns and they make the bee-like buzzing sound when watching the game on tv. Needless to say, I could not hear much the rest of the night my ears were ringing so much. I think I will have to get earplugs for the game I am going to. It is funny thing here because there are commercials that jokingly measure how many decibals a vuvuzela makes when you blow in it. In the commercials, and in reality, they are loud enough to cause hearing damage, and this makes the crowds go wild with happiness. Perfect.
Plans for the upcoming week: I am going to Sowetto, the township outside of Johannesburg where Soccer City is located, to watch the South Africa vs. France (I think?) game this Saturday at a big public viewing stadium. Next week the holiday activities with the kids start so I am mostly planning on resting this weekend to get my energy up to deal with 300 children. The rest of my plans are a mystery.
Talk to you later!
I hope you are all doing well. I am doing pretty good. It has become ice cold here in the past two weeks. I am in class right now and I can almost see my breath. Everyday when I get home from work I spend about 2 hours doing various things to try and get myself warm again, usually without success for more than a few minutes. I think I am going to walk into town and buy a fleece after work today, I have been putting this off for quite some time, but I don't think I can take the cold anymore.
Two weekends ago I made my way to Durban with Katie, Sarah, and our South African family, the Josephs. It was an 8 hour drive to get there, although I don't remember much of it because I was out cold. It was such nice weather there. We only had one full day there before we had to return to Kroonstad, which we of course voted to spend at the beach. The water was soooo nice. It was almost the same temperature as the air. I was so swimming deprived that I spent about 3 hours riding the waves, which were also the perfect size. At about the 2 hour mark the lifeguards came out to see if I was okay. I said yes and that I just really like swimming. They joined me for about 15 minutes, then said they were tired and went back in...not really the most reassuring feeling that I could outlast the lifeguards by a longshot. We also went to the largest mall in the southern hemisphere, Gateway. That was pretty cool to see, I don't know if it is bigger than the Mall of America, but it certainly was not as overwhelming as the Mall of America. Part of it is outside and they have waterslides instead of a theme park, which I liked but it doesn't really make a ton of sense because who wants to be wet at a mall? Well, I kind of did, but I doubt many people would share that sentiment with me. Durban was definitely cool, I am sure we will return in the future.
As many of you know, Friday night was the opening match for the World Cup. We decided to go out to the township that my students are from and that Sarah and Katie teach in to watch the game. Soccer is stereotypically the "black" sport here, and the township is all blacks, so it seemed like the most logical place to go. We went to a tavern that was showing the game. It was really fun, although I got a pretty bad headache from blowing in the vuvuzelas and having them blown at me. I know these noise makers have been quite the controversy, but in case you don't know what they are, they are long horns and they make the bee-like buzzing sound when watching the game on tv. Needless to say, I could not hear much the rest of the night my ears were ringing so much. I think I will have to get earplugs for the game I am going to. It is funny thing here because there are commercials that jokingly measure how many decibals a vuvuzela makes when you blow in it. In the commercials, and in reality, they are loud enough to cause hearing damage, and this makes the crowds go wild with happiness. Perfect.
Plans for the upcoming week: I am going to Sowetto, the township outside of Johannesburg where Soccer City is located, to watch the South Africa vs. France (I think?) game this Saturday at a big public viewing stadium. Next week the holiday activities with the kids start so I am mostly planning on resting this weekend to get my energy up to deal with 300 children. The rest of my plans are a mystery.
Talk to you later!
Thursday, June 3, 2010
So Johannesburg was a blast last weekend. It is such a cool looking city. It is built on rolling hills, and although it is gigantic, it doesn't feel overwhelming, which is nice. The city is decked out for the World Cup. Any space that could have a huge poster hung on it was sure to have one and they just stuck giant soccerballs at the top of most of the buildings. I got to see the outside of the new stadium there too which was really cool. We were also supposed to go to the apartheid museum while we were there, but it was closed. Instead we went to Constitutional Hill, which was also really cool. It used to be a prison during apartheid for both black and white people, men and women. The current supreme court is located there too, although they left much of the old prison in tact. It was really interesting, but I will not bore you with the details of the museum. I will just say that if you ever find yourself in South Africa, pay a visit.
As I said in my last post, I was mainly in Johannesburg for a retreat and for reflection over the past two months. Let me tell you, if I reflected any more, I am sure that I would've actually turned into a mirror. It was really nice, though, and very relaxing. Everything was about being peaceful and soothing. We had an avacado tree growing in our back yard. Naturally we were on a ladder within about an hour trying to get them down. We eventually had to climb up on the roof and walls to reach them, we got about 8 in the end. Now we have delicious guacamole in our fridge. I still don't understand my body's relationship with avacados, however. I know I am mildly allergic to them when I just eat them by themselves, especially if they are not ripe. But for some reason I can eat tons of guacamole without any problems. Katie, coincidently enough, has very similar allergies as me. She cannot eat melons of any kind and avacados bother her too. She is more allergic to these things than me, but it did make me feel a little better that there might actually be some rational behind this problem.
We are friends with an Indian family here, the Josephs, who have basically integrated us into their family as daughters. We went there this past weekend for food and games and I had the most delicious thing. It was fish brayani, and the fish was baracuda. No joke, I thought I was eating pork for about 10 minutes because the baracuda was so different than other types of fish. They are also taking us to Durban with them this weekend. We leave at 4 a.m. tomorrow morning and it is about an 8 hour drive. We will get back in the middle of the night on Sunday. Hopefully I will be able to sleep away most of the driving. I don't know exactly what we are doing there, but knowing the Josephs, food will be a huge part of the weekend. My only goal is to go swimming in the ocean. The water is supposed to be a swimmable temperature, which is all I am looking for.
Other than that, things are going good here. I realized yesterday that the computers in my classroom did not have anti-virus protection for the past week. I installed some yesterday and of course all of the computers had viruses because my students were using the internet for a week and I have been moving files between the computers. The computers make a loud beeping sound when a detection is found, which is pretty funny because now everything is quiet except for this symphony of beeps that resonates through the computers for about an hour.
Write to me!
As I said in my last post, I was mainly in Johannesburg for a retreat and for reflection over the past two months. Let me tell you, if I reflected any more, I am sure that I would've actually turned into a mirror. It was really nice, though, and very relaxing. Everything was about being peaceful and soothing. We had an avacado tree growing in our back yard. Naturally we were on a ladder within about an hour trying to get them down. We eventually had to climb up on the roof and walls to reach them, we got about 8 in the end. Now we have delicious guacamole in our fridge. I still don't understand my body's relationship with avacados, however. I know I am mildly allergic to them when I just eat them by themselves, especially if they are not ripe. But for some reason I can eat tons of guacamole without any problems. Katie, coincidently enough, has very similar allergies as me. She cannot eat melons of any kind and avacados bother her too. She is more allergic to these things than me, but it did make me feel a little better that there might actually be some rational behind this problem.
We are friends with an Indian family here, the Josephs, who have basically integrated us into their family as daughters. We went there this past weekend for food and games and I had the most delicious thing. It was fish brayani, and the fish was baracuda. No joke, I thought I was eating pork for about 10 minutes because the baracuda was so different than other types of fish. They are also taking us to Durban with them this weekend. We leave at 4 a.m. tomorrow morning and it is about an 8 hour drive. We will get back in the middle of the night on Sunday. Hopefully I will be able to sleep away most of the driving. I don't know exactly what we are doing there, but knowing the Josephs, food will be a huge part of the weekend. My only goal is to go swimming in the ocean. The water is supposed to be a swimmable temperature, which is all I am looking for.
Other than that, things are going good here. I realized yesterday that the computers in my classroom did not have anti-virus protection for the past week. I installed some yesterday and of course all of the computers had viruses because my students were using the internet for a week and I have been moving files between the computers. The computers make a loud beeping sound when a detection is found, which is pretty funny because now everything is quiet except for this symphony of beeps that resonates through the computers for about an hour.
Write to me!
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Big Fish
I have decided to try and post on here once every two weeks. I was going to do once a week, but I am quickly discovering that I don't have enough to write about every week and I don't want the blog to become a burden otherwise I might just stop.
The computer class is still going well. Most of the students will hopefully be taking the Microsoft Word test this week. I am nervous about their ability to pass, but I guess that is pretty normal for a teacher. I wish I could just have one student take it so I can see how they do. Now we are starting to learn Internet Explorer. We are getting the internet upstairs this week, hopefully, so they will be able to start practicing soon. The internet is proving to be more difficult to explain, and I don't know if it is because it is more complicated subject matter or I just don't understand things as well. So many of my students ask me what HTML and http mean and I don't know what to tell them. Even if I can give them an answer, I am still using words they don't know and I just don't know how to make it more simple. It is really hard to explain more complex things when the basics are missing. Slowly but surely we will get there though.
Sarah, Katie, and I took a roadtrip to Parys yesterday. It is a fun little town. There are a ton of antique shops, which I found quite odd considering Kroonstad has none and it is a bigger town than Parys. We ate at a fabulous restaurant for lunch, although the portions were a little on the small side. I had raw warthog with vinegrette ice cream. The warthog was delicious, the ice cream was weird. We went down to the river afterwards. I really wanted to swim until I saw what the fishermen were pulling out of the water. There were bunches of huge fish hanging in all of the trees. I asked one of the fisherman what kind of fish they were catching and he said cod. Perhaps I misunderstood him, or maybe I don't know how big a cod is, but they looked too big to me to be cod. Swimming would've been fun, but I would have for sure been freaked out knowing there were so many big things swimming next to me that I could not see.
Next weekend we are going to Johannesburg for an orientation thing. I think they are just going to give us some general information on South Africa and then see how we are doing. I am pretty sure we will be able to pick up our World Cup tickets there too. I will be happy to have those in our hands, I still have a sinking feeling that we did something wrong when we bought them.
Hope everyone is well!
I have decided to try and post on here once every two weeks. I was going to do once a week, but I am quickly discovering that I don't have enough to write about every week and I don't want the blog to become a burden otherwise I might just stop.
The computer class is still going well. Most of the students will hopefully be taking the Microsoft Word test this week. I am nervous about their ability to pass, but I guess that is pretty normal for a teacher. I wish I could just have one student take it so I can see how they do. Now we are starting to learn Internet Explorer. We are getting the internet upstairs this week, hopefully, so they will be able to start practicing soon. The internet is proving to be more difficult to explain, and I don't know if it is because it is more complicated subject matter or I just don't understand things as well. So many of my students ask me what HTML and http mean and I don't know what to tell them. Even if I can give them an answer, I am still using words they don't know and I just don't know how to make it more simple. It is really hard to explain more complex things when the basics are missing. Slowly but surely we will get there though.
Sarah, Katie, and I took a roadtrip to Parys yesterday. It is a fun little town. There are a ton of antique shops, which I found quite odd considering Kroonstad has none and it is a bigger town than Parys. We ate at a fabulous restaurant for lunch, although the portions were a little on the small side. I had raw warthog with vinegrette ice cream. The warthog was delicious, the ice cream was weird. We went down to the river afterwards. I really wanted to swim until I saw what the fishermen were pulling out of the water. There were bunches of huge fish hanging in all of the trees. I asked one of the fisherman what kind of fish they were catching and he said cod. Perhaps I misunderstood him, or maybe I don't know how big a cod is, but they looked too big to me to be cod. Swimming would've been fun, but I would have for sure been freaked out knowing there were so many big things swimming next to me that I could not see.
Next weekend we are going to Johannesburg for an orientation thing. I think they are just going to give us some general information on South Africa and then see how we are doing. I am pretty sure we will be able to pick up our World Cup tickets there too. I will be happy to have those in our hands, I still have a sinking feeling that we did something wrong when we bought them.
Hope everyone is well!
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Road Trip
I think winter has officially arrived in Kroonstad. The days are in the 50s and the nights get down to the 30s/40s. I love it, my roommates are diggin' it so much. The weather here is so funny, it will go from clouds as far as you can see to completely sunny in ten minutes flat. I don't know how it happens, but it does.
Sarah, Katie, and I took our first road trip last weekend. It was between Paris and Welkom. We decided on Welkom because they have a movie theatre and the weather wasn't promising enough for Paris, which is a little more of an outdoors place. I was also the driver, so this was my first time driving in 5th gear, which was a nice gear, still a little intimidating though when I look down and see my spedometer reading 100. We had some delicious fish and chips for lunch. I have become completely addicted to putting vinegar on fries and will do just about anything to get my hands on the duo. After that we went and saw the "Blind Side." I was pulling for "Alica in Wonderland" but the roommates weren't feeling the dark humor of Johnny Depp that day. The movie was good, gave me the warm and fuzzies.
After that, we tried to find the mall that was supposed to be nearby. We asked 2 people where it was. The first told us it was behind the building a bit, the second told us it was behind the building but it was still being built. We decided to just go for a walk instead and no joke, within probably 3 blocks we had found a big mall. I don't know what those people were thinking. We got some cheesecake at a place and it was one of the more nasty things I have ever eaten. It was still frozen from being in the box it came in and it was yucky strawberries and the ice cream was this nasty cheap stuff that we have accidentally bought twice at the grocery store. So, Welkom was okay, but I don't think we will be going back any time soon.
My computer class is going good. The students are learning really fast for the most part. Slowly but surely they are discovering the fun features such as games and music on the computer. At first I told them class time wasn't for playing games, then I thought about it more and now I can't decide. They are still learning how to open and use programs, even if they are not the most useful or complex ones to discover.
My boss is trying to open a secondary school on the property for next year. This keeps getting brought up to me in passing, even though I can't figure out why it isn't more the center of conversation. I got to go through a bunch of catalogues last week and try to see how much it would cost to get it stocked with supplies. Funding also came through for the community gardening project last week. This means that in August or September I will go away for 2 weeks and get trained by a bunch of farmers how to grow things. It will be cool, although I am a little nervous to have people's main food source left in my hands.
That is about all from me. Let me know how you are doing!
P.S. If you are interested, here is a link to the NDMV newsletter:
I think winter has officially arrived in Kroonstad. The days are in the 50s and the nights get down to the 30s/40s. I love it, my roommates are diggin' it so much. The weather here is so funny, it will go from clouds as far as you can see to completely sunny in ten minutes flat. I don't know how it happens, but it does.
Sarah, Katie, and I took our first road trip last weekend. It was between Paris and Welkom. We decided on Welkom because they have a movie theatre and the weather wasn't promising enough for Paris, which is a little more of an outdoors place. I was also the driver, so this was my first time driving in 5th gear, which was a nice gear, still a little intimidating though when I look down and see my spedometer reading 100. We had some delicious fish and chips for lunch. I have become completely addicted to putting vinegar on fries and will do just about anything to get my hands on the duo. After that we went and saw the "Blind Side." I was pulling for "Alica in Wonderland" but the roommates weren't feeling the dark humor of Johnny Depp that day. The movie was good, gave me the warm and fuzzies.
After that, we tried to find the mall that was supposed to be nearby. We asked 2 people where it was. The first told us it was behind the building a bit, the second told us it was behind the building but it was still being built. We decided to just go for a walk instead and no joke, within probably 3 blocks we had found a big mall. I don't know what those people were thinking. We got some cheesecake at a place and it was one of the more nasty things I have ever eaten. It was still frozen from being in the box it came in and it was yucky strawberries and the ice cream was this nasty cheap stuff that we have accidentally bought twice at the grocery store. So, Welkom was okay, but I don't think we will be going back any time soon.
My computer class is going good. The students are learning really fast for the most part. Slowly but surely they are discovering the fun features such as games and music on the computer. At first I told them class time wasn't for playing games, then I thought about it more and now I can't decide. They are still learning how to open and use programs, even if they are not the most useful or complex ones to discover.
My boss is trying to open a secondary school on the property for next year. This keeps getting brought up to me in passing, even though I can't figure out why it isn't more the center of conversation. I got to go through a bunch of catalogues last week and try to see how much it would cost to get it stocked with supplies. Funding also came through for the community gardening project last week. This means that in August or September I will go away for 2 weeks and get trained by a bunch of farmers how to grow things. It will be cool, although I am a little nervous to have people's main food source left in my hands.
That is about all from me. Let me know how you are doing!
P.S. If you are interested, here is a link to the NDMV newsletter:
Sunday, April 18, 2010
The Poor Volunteers
Hi everyone,
I completed my first week of computer training this week. I think things went pretty well. I have 17 dedicated students, 9 in the morning, 8 in the afternoon. Last week we were learning how to type. Things were going pretty well, by Thursday almost all of them had learned the home row + T, I, E, and N if they were really cruising. Good time for a weekend though because everyone was getting pretty frustrated trying to reach the goals by the end of the week. There wasn't really much I could do and my main teaching method became sending people on 5 minute walks when I thought their patience had run out.
We had the sisters (6 of them) over for dinner last week. We were telling them a story about how we could not decide to buy these 1/2 priced mushrooms or not because they were really cheap, but they would put us even more over our budget and we had already bought mushrooms for the week. The sisters interpreted this as us not having enough money/food because it was such a silly decision that we were playing up a bit. What did this get us? A big delivery of food that normally goes to the orphans and vulnerable children in the area. We have a ton of rice, oil, and thick vegetable soup now. I feel really bad about it because we were just kidding and I feel like we unintentionally stole from the poor, the opposite of the purpose of us being here.
Yesterday the sisters brought us to see the white lions that live fairly close to us. I was really excited because I thought it would be like a safari. Nope, not at all. I accidentally went to a zoo. The lions were cool and everything, but I was super uncomfortable and did not want to be there, as many of you can imagine. The lions were kept in about 1 sq. hectare of land, about 2 per plot. There were some 3 day old cubs that were hiding under a tree. Then there were 2 cubs that were 5-6 months old that were taken away from their mother and we went in the enclosure with them so we could play with them. I did not want to touch either of them, but of course I was the first person one of them came up to and latched its teeth around my ankle. That required me to smack it across the head to get it off. It was fun to go and I am grateful that the sisters took us, but it was not a cool setup for these lions. So, mixed feelings on the little adventure.
We bought World Cup tickets this weekend! We are going to the 3rd and 4th place championship game in Port Elizabeth. The tickets were a little pricey, and most of the games were sold out. It was either going to this game or going to a random game where none of us really cared about either of the teams. After much deliberation, this is what we decided on. I really want to see Brazil play, so hopefully they will make it to that game. Whoever it ends up being, I am sure it will be really fun.
That's all from my end.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Takin' Care of Business
Hello hello.
Figured it was about time for another post. I will try to do one a week, depending on how many stories I have that week it could be a little more or less frequent.
Last week was my first week of work. I would say things went pretty well. My boss, Zunelle, is cool and quite funny. She was often stressed or nervous so I felt like I needed to do damage control to lighten her load, but then 2 seconds later she would be perfectly fine. It is so weird, I never know what to expect when I run into her. Starting tomorrow I will be teaching a computer class to about 17 youth (youth is my age over here) for the next month or so. I have one class in the morning and another in the afternoon. The class is actually a tutorial on the computer, I am just there as a bonus feature. Two other classes are also starting next week, sewing and marimbas. I will not be in the rooms during those classes, but I will check up on them every once and awhile. Hopefully I can learn a little marimbas in my spare time. And I might actually learn some real sewing techniques from the sewing instructor too, instead of my current strategy of just getting things together in whatever way works.
My boss also wants to get a secondary school on the property opened by January. I am helping her a little bit, mainly by sitting there and listening to her talk about what needs to be done, and then agreeing with her when she is done. Top notch worker ;) When she was going over my job description with me she said she wanted me to work with her because I was an environmental studies major. I asked her why and she said she wanted me to help start a community garden eventually (which I am completely unqualified to do). One of her follow up questions was, "you do like the earth, don't you?" The simple answer of "yes" is why I currently have the job I do.
In case anyone is interested, here is a short list of the creatures I have seen thus far: a bunny, a dead bat, parrots, a snake and mouse (unfortunately for the mouse, found together), spinghare (maybe, I have no confirmation of this sighting yet), small lizards, peacocks, and I have also met a variety of chickens and cows. Pretty cool, however, maybe not quite the safari people think I am on. There are more birds and insects on that list, but I will spare you the uninteresting details.
So there are many people here who are Afrikaans, which means they are most likely white and of Dutch descent. The easiest way to spot one, though, is by the fashion. Men wear high-waisted shorts that show off a lot of leg, shirts usually tucked in, high socks, and big boots. That is what's in. It is so funny because sometimes it is easy to forget that I am not in America, especially at the grocery stores, and then I look around and usually this funny sight is what puts me back in South Africa. Although they dress really funny, Afrikaaners can dance. Sarah's boss introduced us to some people our age. The boys who were out with us showed us how to dance, and it is crazy. It is super structured, the guy does all the leading, there is spinning and dipping and all of this is done to pop music. I am pretty awful at it and the person I was dancing with told me only to watch his feet...because I kept stepping on his toes, oops. It is fun, but definitely easy to make a fool out of oneself.
More next week,
Figured it was about time for another post. I will try to do one a week, depending on how many stories I have that week it could be a little more or less frequent.
Last week was my first week of work. I would say things went pretty well. My boss, Zunelle, is cool and quite funny. She was often stressed or nervous so I felt like I needed to do damage control to lighten her load, but then 2 seconds later she would be perfectly fine. It is so weird, I never know what to expect when I run into her. Starting tomorrow I will be teaching a computer class to about 17 youth (youth is my age over here) for the next month or so. I have one class in the morning and another in the afternoon. The class is actually a tutorial on the computer, I am just there as a bonus feature. Two other classes are also starting next week, sewing and marimbas. I will not be in the rooms during those classes, but I will check up on them every once and awhile. Hopefully I can learn a little marimbas in my spare time. And I might actually learn some real sewing techniques from the sewing instructor too, instead of my current strategy of just getting things together in whatever way works.
My boss also wants to get a secondary school on the property opened by January. I am helping her a little bit, mainly by sitting there and listening to her talk about what needs to be done, and then agreeing with her when she is done. Top notch worker ;) When she was going over my job description with me she said she wanted me to work with her because I was an environmental studies major. I asked her why and she said she wanted me to help start a community garden eventually (which I am completely unqualified to do). One of her follow up questions was, "you do like the earth, don't you?" The simple answer of "yes" is why I currently have the job I do.
In case anyone is interested, here is a short list of the creatures I have seen thus far: a bunny, a dead bat, parrots, a snake and mouse (unfortunately for the mouse, found together), spinghare (maybe, I have no confirmation of this sighting yet), small lizards, peacocks, and I have also met a variety of chickens and cows. Pretty cool, however, maybe not quite the safari people think I am on. There are more birds and insects on that list, but I will spare you the uninteresting details.
So there are many people here who are Afrikaans, which means they are most likely white and of Dutch descent. The easiest way to spot one, though, is by the fashion. Men wear high-waisted shorts that show off a lot of leg, shirts usually tucked in, high socks, and big boots. That is what's in. It is so funny because sometimes it is easy to forget that I am not in America, especially at the grocery stores, and then I look around and usually this funny sight is what puts me back in South Africa. Although they dress really funny, Afrikaaners can dance. Sarah's boss introduced us to some people our age. The boys who were out with us showed us how to dance, and it is crazy. It is super structured, the guy does all the leading, there is spinning and dipping and all of this is done to pop music. I am pretty awful at it and the person I was dancing with told me only to watch his feet...because I kept stepping on his toes, oops. It is fun, but definitely easy to make a fool out of oneself.
More next week,
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Give me the Creeps
Sarah and I moved into the house earlier this week. We were there for no longer than an hour before we were sure someone was trying to break in. We were watching a movie when all of a sudden we heard someone coughing and then we heard talking right outside of our living room window. No one told us anyone was going to be on the property so naturally we assumed we were about to be robbed. I ran into my room to call the sisters and they said they did not know of anyone who should be there. We waited about 15 minutes to hear back from them and just continued to watch the movie in the meantime because we figured running and hiding wasn't going to do any good. After a series of phone calls, we were informed that there were security people on the premises during the night, so no need to worry. We still here them all the time and it is just a little creepy, but sometimes we see them out the window and they wave to us, which was nice but we decided to start shutting the curtains earlier because it still was a bit odd.
So the building I will be working in is completely haunted. It is also on the same property as my house, so I am not completely convinced the house isn't haunted. We didn't actually start work this week because the nuns decided we needed another week to rest up, but we did get a tour of the building. It used to be a building where the sisters would stay, and I think go to school. Then it was taken over by the military and was basically destroyed. After that, satanic worshipers moved in. Half of the building is renovated and looks really good, the other half is still in rough shape and the reminants of its history are still there. First, when we were walking from the new part to the old part we came into a stairwell and there was a pigeon trapped inbetween stair levels. Then, just chillin' on the window, there was a spider big enough to eat pigeons. Seriously, straight out of a horror movie! After letting the bird out, we continued on our way. It was a long hallway with many rooms on both sides of the hall. All the windows had been broken and a lot of the walls were damaged from people stealing the copper pipes. Then we walked into a room at the end of the hallway, there were old burn marks all over the floor and grafitti saying things like "Satanists were here" written all over the walls. The wind blows straight through the building and makes the eeriest sound. It was super creepy. The upside to all of this was that we went back to the new part and discovered that we have wild peakocks that live on our property. I saw a mom and 3 babies walking in and out of the old rooms. They seemed fine with it which eased my nerves a little bit. Sarah and I did get a little spooked later that night and Sarah was awake until the sun came up the next day. I slept fine, as usual, sleep is sleep and worrying isn't going to get in the way.
Katie (the third volunteer) just landed in Johannesburg a couple hours ago, so I am excited to see her in a couple of days. I will put up pictures as soon as I get a working computer that I can upload them to, which will probably take a couple of weeks at best. I am going out on the town tonight, first night out and about. Sarah and I are getting a little ansy sitting alone in our house, only talking to each other and people who are either significantly older or younger than us during our days.
I have also given up all of my eating restrictions. Within the first day I had to refuse food twice because it was made out of pork. I decided it wasn't worth the hastle and gave in on a piece of sausage. I know many of you have been waiting for this for a long time. No longer will ordering pizza be a headache. I am still not able to buy any pig/non-fish water animal products, but I am able to eat them when they are put in front of me, which is a good first step.
Hope everyone is well!
Sunday, March 28, 2010
The House and Car
Hello hello,
So our house is sweet. We have 2 huge bedrooms, a big living room, a full kitchen, 2 bathrooms, a TV, and a huge yard. Also, we are living on the grounds of the place that Sarah and I will be working, so I literally just have to roll out of bed and walk 100 ft. to work. The only downfall to the whole place is that the grass is crawling with biting ants. But still, it is a good deal for sure.
On top of the house, the sisters also gave us a car. Sarah and I just got back from our first driving lesson in a big parking lot near the house. Sister Kay (our primary host right now) was our teacher, which we were a little worried about at first because we did not want to kill her, but in the end it was like taking a little kid on a roller coaster. She was just having the time of her life when the car would shake and die. Both of us did pretty ok for the first time out. The driver sits on the right here and they drive on the left, just in case having to deal with a clutch wasn't enough. I really like going from first to second gear, everything else is too hard to like. We at least made the afternoon for some local security guards more interesting.
So my computer lasted about 0.2 seconds before dying here. This is a bit annoying considering it has many things I need on it and Gateways are not too popular around here so it might be a little tricky to fix. Sucky, I am getting an HP next time around, which may be sooner than I anticipated.
I think I will have Skype here, so everyone should download it and add me to your people. My screen name is Majikbird. I will probably only be able to do it during the weekends, which is mainly when I will have internet. Our house doesn't have internet so I have to go to the Sister's house to use theirs. I will have to schedule talking times, but this system will not be established for at least a week or two so in the meantime, just getting the program is a good first step. I will also be getting a cell phone in case people would rather pay money to talk to me.
My address here is:
Sisters of Notre Dame: Kelly McKone
P.O. Box 476
South Africa
Please send me things! In the mean time, e-mails are good too!
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
The Tale of a Bucket of Gatorade
My journey started at 5 am on the 22nd of March. I know my luck traveling and did not expect this to be a graceful adventure, especially since I had to travel through O'Hare Airport, a place that gives me never-ending problems when traveling. First, I was tricked by the passengers on the shuttle-ride over to the airport into thinking that I was traveling on Delta. The driver asked where everyone was going and everyone said Delta, so naturally I assumed I was doing what everyone else was doing. After standing in a long line, the Kiosk told me I did not exist, I realized my mistake, and tried again in the United line. Then came the dreaded weighing of the suitcases. I knew they were both overweight. I knew my big backpack did not fully fit on the scale so even when that is overweight no one ever knows it but me. I was banking on the tires of the other suitcase touching outside of the scale, unfortunately I was not so lucky the second time around: 70 pounds! I was not about to pay the $150 fine and the woman behind the counter was a stickler for following the rules so I could not even pull the "but my violin isn't really a carry-on item" bit. That 20 pounds went straight into my backpack and violin case, making walking a much bigger pain. During the lightening process all the woman kept telling me was that she was doing me a big favor and that I would be better off listening to her, this was completely not true, but made her feel better about making my load heavier. I had to carry one of my buckets of gatorade powder with me because that was a good 4 pounds and I could not bare parting with it.
I got to Chicago just fine, made my tight connection, was on the take-off pad, when the pilot announces that something on the wing was not latching correctly and we had to go back for a mechanical check. They let people off the plane and said they would announce in an hour whether we were leaving or whether the flight was cancelled. Of course it was cancelled and I got in a line behind the 300 other people on the plane who beat me there. This is when I started calling United Airlines like mad. I thought seriously about dumping the gatorade after getting disconnected 3 times, but then I finally got ahold of a helpful agent. She told me I had 20 minutes to get to a new gate to take a flight to North Carolina that would then go on to Washington. I booked it over there, feeling a little bad for kind of cutting in line via phone, but not bad enough not to do it.
I got to Washington in time, saw Sarah's (one of the other volunteers) face as soon as I walked through the door and almost died I was so happy. On top of that, she offered to help me carry things and immediately took the gatorade off of my hands. 16 hours later, we happily arrived in Johannesburg. Unfortunately, due to my sporadic change of flights, my luggage did not come. They told me it was on its way to be delivered to me tonight, but that never happened. Hopefully tomorrow.
We are staying with the sisters currently, we move into our house tomorrow. Everyone is really nice and are so happy to have us here. It is a pretty cool place. It is not the city I thought it would be, it is more like a really big town. Very green, the days are warm (like 70) and the nights are cold, just how I like it. Sarah slept for about 15 hours last night, I only made it about 12 because I randomly woke up at 4:30 am and was wide awake, then around 7:30 I decided I was tired again and that lasted til about 2:30 in the afternoon. The nuns probably thought we were dead. But alas, we are not, we are healthy and happy and I am pleased to report that the gatorade is too.
I got to Chicago just fine, made my tight connection, was on the take-off pad, when the pilot announces that something on the wing was not latching correctly and we had to go back for a mechanical check. They let people off the plane and said they would announce in an hour whether we were leaving or whether the flight was cancelled. Of course it was cancelled and I got in a line behind the 300 other people on the plane who beat me there. This is when I started calling United Airlines like mad. I thought seriously about dumping the gatorade after getting disconnected 3 times, but then I finally got ahold of a helpful agent. She told me I had 20 minutes to get to a new gate to take a flight to North Carolina that would then go on to Washington. I booked it over there, feeling a little bad for kind of cutting in line via phone, but not bad enough not to do it.
I got to Washington in time, saw Sarah's (one of the other volunteers) face as soon as I walked through the door and almost died I was so happy. On top of that, she offered to help me carry things and immediately took the gatorade off of my hands. 16 hours later, we happily arrived in Johannesburg. Unfortunately, due to my sporadic change of flights, my luggage did not come. They told me it was on its way to be delivered to me tonight, but that never happened. Hopefully tomorrow.
We are staying with the sisters currently, we move into our house tomorrow. Everyone is really nice and are so happy to have us here. It is a pretty cool place. It is not the city I thought it would be, it is more like a really big town. Very green, the days are warm (like 70) and the nights are cold, just how I like it. Sarah slept for about 15 hours last night, I only made it about 12 because I randomly woke up at 4:30 am and was wide awake, then around 7:30 I decided I was tired again and that lasted til about 2:30 in the afternoon. The nuns probably thought we were dead. But alas, we are not, we are healthy and happy and I am pleased to report that the gatorade is too.
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